Robert P. "Bob" Wichert

Candidate for Sacramento Municipal Utility District Ward 1

Please Vote November 5th

Watch our Video message

The Sacramento Bee says that I am a "spending hawk" and that I want to "institute a policy of below-inflation increases at SMUD and to check a staff appetite for more money."  They got those right!  But they  neglected my decades of technical experience in  power and energy; including research and development, energy efficiency, fuel cells, renewables, wind, solar, and battery installations.  Check out what they missed in my Engineering Resume'.

Candidate statement:

I love SMUD. I worked at SMUD for nearly 20 years. While at SMUD I was personally responsible for implementing SMUD Greenergy.  Greenergy was the first customer-choice all-renewable energy option in California that allows customers to choose renewable energy by choice, not by force.  I’ve been a member of Greenergy since the start.

I know SMUD can do better to keep rates low and to make sure that they are taking care of all of their customers equitably.  I am currently on the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Suburban Water District where we have kept rate increases below inflation.  I want to do the same at SMUD.  I will work with the other Board members to trim the budget to keep our rate increases as small as possible.

I’m also interested in older neighborhoods where overhead powerlines and poles are unsightly, contribute to deadly vehicle accidents, and require tree trimming.  SMUD needs a long term plan to replace those lines with underground facilities.   

I am asking for your vote.  Let’s work together to make SMUD better, keeping rates low and making our neighborhoods beautiful and safe.

You can reach me at 916-712-4481 or by email at .

Robert P Wichert Professional Engineering, Inc.

Licensed Professional Engineer in Callifornia & Virginia

Engineering Resume'



Copyright 2024 by Robert Wichert